Member-only story
My New Marketing Director
Luckily, I can pay her in kudos and hugs
My nine-year-old daughter, Amelia, is the most extraordinary person I will ever know. Her capacity for kindness is unsurpassed, and she is always excited to help if she knows something needs to happen. Occasionally, this causes her to shame me into doing things I know I should do, like drinking less caffeine, cleaning out the pantry, or doing my taxes. Knowing her as I do, it was no surprise when she appointed herself my marketing director. She wants to help me be a successful freelance writer, and she is determined to prevail. Honestly, together we’d probably make one good marketer. I have a general idea of at least some things I should do, but I’d rather crawl through glass than promote myself. She lacks marketing know-how, but she is full of passion.
Hard at work
Since anointing herself my marketing director, Amelia has made promotional swag (paper, electrical tape, and a dream), written various bits of copy, and made a sign that she held up in our front window for the Amazon guy while I hid. If I bought her a sandwich board, she’d march up and down the street. Passion! I thought she’d finally petered out, but the other night I was sitting in our family room checking my emails while Amelia was reading — or so I thought — and I found out I was mistaken. A picture popped up on my screen. We were…